Final Conference

March 15-17 2022

The PerICo final conference will take place from March 15 – March 17, 2022.

The conference will be on-line and free of charge.

PerICo (Peroxisome Interactions and Communication) is a Training Network under the European Union programme Horizon 2020. PerICo fosters education of 15 PhD students in projects aimed at uncovering how peroxisomes participate in the intricate cellular interaction and signalling network. PerICo focusses on peroxisomal contact sites and transporters.

More information about the PerICo Network could be found here.

The PerICo Network, coordinated by Ida van der Klei, includes a number of leading peroxisome researchers (Hans Waterham, Michael Schrader, Maya Schuldiner, Marc Fransen, Barbara Bakker, Vitor Martins dos Santos, Lambert Schomaker, Bettina Warscheid and Ralf Erdmann). At the final conference, all 15 PhD students will present their work. In addition, we invited 7 internationally leading external speakers (Rick Rachubinski, Joe Costello, Esther Nuebel, Daniela Ribeiro, Peter Kim, Lilach Sheiner and William Prinz).

Would you also like to contribute to the PerICo conference? You can do so by giving an oral presentation at one of the parallel break-out sessions. In addition, we reserved 9 time slots in the plenary program for talks of external participants. These talks will be selected from the submitted abstracts. The call for abstracts is open, do not hesitate to submit your abstract!

Please direct all correspondence concerning the meeting to:

So, mark March 15-17, 2022 in your calendar and visit our website for more information.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions at

Kind regards,

On behalf of the organisers, Bettina Warscheid and Ralf Erdmann,

Ida van der Klei, Tamara Hummel & Jannet Nijhuis

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grant number 812968