
PerICo (Peroxisome Interactions and Communication) is a multi-partner European Training Network under the European Union programme Horizon 2020 with a total budget of 4 Million Euro, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ida van der Klei (University of Groningen).

PerICo fosters education of 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in projects aimed at uncovering how peroxisomes, important cellular organelles, participate in the intricate cellular interaction and signaling network. In light of the current understanding of the central role of peroxisomes in a variety of metabolic diseases, cancer and aging – this timely research programme will benefit society. The ESRs will be trained at world-leading academic institutions, including university hospitals and companies, thus forming strong interdisciplinary links between industry, life/medical sciences, and end-users.

PerICo aims to train a new generation of highly-qualified ESRs with entrepreneurial competencies in modern Life Sciences through state-of-the-art research projects focusing on the identification and functional characterization of peroxisomal membrane contact-sites and transporters. In addition, it will use this knowledge to develop novel leads for drug discovery and therapies for the growing list of serious human diseases in which peroxisomes have been implicated.

Ten full partners and five partner organizations, from seven European countries, together with Israel and Canada, participate in this programme (see PARTNERS).

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska Curie grant agreement No. 812968.

The EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN), which drives scientific excellence and innovation. ITNs bring together universities, research institutes, industry and clinical partners from across the world to train researchers to doctorate level.

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grant number 812968